We often hear that free radicals are harmful, but what exactly are they and why should we be concerned? Essentially, free radicals are unstable particles in the body that are missing an electron, which leads to particle instability and potential damage to surrounding tissue. If left unchecked, this damage can spread throughout the body. Antioxidants are substances that can donate an electron, neutralizing the free radical and preventing further damage. It is important to have sufficient levels of antioxidants to combat free radical damage.
Antioxidants are used by humans to slow, halt, and even reverse the harmful effects of free radicals. These antioxidants can be found in several predictable sources such as high-quality foods and nutritional supplements like vitamins. Interestingly, nature has provided an infinite reservoir of free electrons through the Earth itself, which is often overlooked. The Earth's surface is rich in free electrons that can be easily donated and utilized in the human body. Plants absorb these electrons from the ground, animals consume the plants and absorb the electrons, and since most animals are in constant contact with the Earth, they too absorb the planet's surface electrons to combat their own free radicals. However, it raises the question of how humans can benefit from these surface electrons.
In 1998, the decoding of the Human Genome by science led to several discoveries, one of which revealed that humans are naturally meant to be in constant contact with the Earth's surface. This contact is essential because humans have the ability to absorb the Earth's free electrons through the semiconductor of our skin. Interestingly, absorbing the Earth's surface electrons (mechanical antioxidants) is more effective in disassociating free radicals than consuming food or supplements (nutritional antioxidants). However, most humans miss out on this benefit because they wear rubber-soled shoes and use synthetic flooring, which insulates them from the Earth. Nature does not differentiate the efficacy of electron donation for human benefit based on the source, whether it is mechanical or nutritional. To nature, an electron is an electron.
Photo Bio Modulation: “To INFRARED… and beyond !” (that’s Far-Infra-Red FIR)
Light has a more significant impact on human life than just aiding in locating and pursuing prey. The skin contains photoreceptor sites that sense and respond to various forms of light, including their intensity, duration, and wavelengths. As a result, these photoreceptor sites generate predictable and reproducible biological outcomes. For instance, certain light wavelengths promote wakefulness, while others signal the body to rest. Some light forms, such as those in the infrared spectrum, stimulate the production of cellular energy (ATP) in the mitochondria of cells, thereby boosting overall biological energy production and leading to better health outcomes.